Hello! My name is Meg (she/they) and I’m so glad you’ve found my site.

I’m a Somatic Coach and Reiki Energy Healer. I’m passionate about connecting deeply with people to facilitate healing and expansion.

I ran my own business for most of my 20’s as a corrective exercise coach, yoga instructor and nutritionist, and through that experience of working so intimately with bodies I was drawn towards Somatic Coaching for my own personal healing.

My story is not uncommon, I have experienced sexual trauma that has resulted in a variety of PTSD symptoms: panic attacks, low libido, high-functioning anxiety, TMJ, chronic muscle stiffness, poor sleep, cystic acne, hormonal imbalances etc. Traditional talk therapy was helpful but it only got me so far, as I became really good at intellectualizing my emotions. For years I had resigned myself to believing that living with these symptoms was inevitable and I did my best to simply “make the most of it”. When I began working with my physical body and restoring safety to my nervous system I was able to actually feel a significant difference in my mental, emotional, and physical health. Working somatically also opened my eyes to the many other other core beliefs I was holding about the world and about myself, due to events that I hadn’t necessarily considered “traumatic” previously. I firmly believe that trauma is not about the event that happened, rather it’s about the way the body responded during an event. This understanding expands the definition of trauma and serves to honor the body’s natural responses to perceived threats. I’ve also found a tremendous amount of healing through connecting with nature and non-religious spirituality. Today, I am still on my healing journey and I work each day to build ever more capacity to experience pleasure and joy in my life.

I am based in Philadelphia where I live with my partner and two dogs. I’m an Aquarius, a plant lover, and a bookworm. I identify as a queer, non-binary person, and I strive to do all of my work through a lens of inclusivity and compassion.


Feel free to drop me an email or schedule a consultation if you have any questions!